Wednesday 2 December 2015

Start taking responsibility for your son too

We hear every day that girls are not given equal rights,  and that a son is more loved than a daughter. But when you actually think about it you will find that a daughter is always loved more than a son.

When a girl child is born parents are concerned about raising her. They are always concerned about her education so that she can have a good life in future and get married to a nice man. When a baby boy is born, parents are happy but not concerned. They spend a lot of money on their son’s education so that they can get it all back from the parents of the girl he will be married to. On one hand they are caring for their daughter, and at the same time they are raising their boy as an investment. They want to spend a lot on the girl, be it marriage or education, but they don’t want a single penny to be spent on the boy. Whatever they spend on their son they’ll get back in dowry. And marriage expenses are always the bride’s family’s concern. Parents spend selflessly on a girl child without thinking about any return. But they raise their boy with a hope to get money back and expecting that he will take care of them in future. At the same time they pay their daughter’s expenses as well as the daughter’s husband’s expenses in the form of dowry.

At the time of marriage, a girl’s parents search for the best person they can afford for the girl so that she can live happily. At the same time for a boy’s marriage, they try to get as much money as they can, even if it means compromising  with the qualities of their daughter-in-law to some extent. They choose happiness for a girl child and money in exchange of a boy child.


Why this discrimination? Why can’t parents in India love their son as much as their daughter?  Isn’t their son  their responsibility too and not someone else’s? How can they ask money for their own son from some other family? Don’t they feel any love or sense of responsibility towards their son? And why men in our country ask their parents for this kind of dual behavior? Parents spend lakhs on a daughter, knowing that she will go to someone else’s house and might not be able to take care of them but they take money in exchange of their son and expect their son to take care of them.

If parents can’t take responsibility of their son, how can they expect their son to take responsibility of them in future?

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Where Corruption starts?

Whenever it comes to corruption, we always blame the government and the politicians.
Have anyone ever tried to around and analysis where the corruption exactly started? Our politicians are selected by us only. Do you think the elected person became corrupt all of a sudden? How many people you come across daily? Try to find 10 person who you are sure are not corrupt. And if you did find them, you are surrounded with honest people. :)
Corruption doesn’t grow in a day or two. It grows slowly like a tree right from the childhood and can be planted in one’s head by anyone he/she comes in contact with, may it be his/her family, teacher or any other passerby.
When a teachers gives good grades to those students who is specially take tuitions from the teacher. Teacher think they are earning extra money. But their students as well as their own child think something else. Along with studies they are being taught that it is okay to hurt someone for money. They start looking at other students (who can’t afford tuition) as lower than them.  Same goes for the students who cannot afford tuition. They think they am not smart enough to get good grades and they lose their confidence.
If parents ignore when something wrong being done to third person (unknown) their children thing think it is ok to do wrong. Because his father (who is kid’s hero) didn’t the person doing wrong. Some children think it is ok being wronged and not say anything.
When parents apply a leave to have fun and tell their bosses that he is sick. A child think it is ok to lie for comfort. That is where it starts.
You might think they are children, what do they know? The point is, they don’t know anything. They don’t know a limit of imagination. So how much they are learning from your action is unknown to you. And some day the tree planted by you might grow as a giant poisons tree.
So next time if you are blaming a Politician for being corrupt remember that people like you have made them corrupt. He/ She was not born corrupt.